About Us 團隊

Erecnis MUSIC is a music production company that specializes in creating high quality music for video games, soundtracks, and other mediums. We offer a wide range of services, including music production, music design, video mixing, and customized music. We strive to provide our clients with the best possible product, and always work to meet your needs and expectations beyond your imagination .

艾雷克尼斯音樂 是一家音樂製作公司,專門為遊戲、配樂和其他媒體創作高品質音樂。 我們提供廣泛的服務,包括音樂製作、音樂設計、影像混音和客製化音樂。 我們努力為客戶提供最好的產品,並始終努力可以達成完全超乎您的想像的需求和期望。


Taiwanese Composer 

Music Producer 

Kai Chiang Lin

台灣作曲家 音樂製作人 林凱強

Production team is led by professional music producer Kai Chiang Lin.Specialized in the production of singles, film scoring, video sound mixing, and music sound design.Currently he is also the producer of Sixth voN Band.

Master of Music - Continuing Education Program of Application for the Contemporary Music Industry ( National Taiwan Normal University ) 

製作團隊由專業音樂製作人林凱強 領銜,專門從事單曲製作、電影配樂、影像混音、音樂音效設計目前也是第六希望樂團製作人。

國立臺灣師範大學 流行音樂碩士

Team Experience 團隊經歷


Invited to the well-known Taiwan Public Television puzzle program "One word is worth a thousand dollars"

「文化內容策進院」揭牌儀式-音樂音效 音樂設計 團隊

Opening Ceremony of "TAIWAN CREATIVE CONTENT AGENCY" -Music and Sound Effect Design Team

2020 IM兩岸青年影展 優秀劇情短片
入圍 鑫馬獎 最佳影片 

(14th Feb.)  2020 IM Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival Excellent Short Film


Irish Music Performance with Taiwan Irish Music Centre